
When: 8-9 September 2012
Where: Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, University of Magdeburg, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany (directions)

Target audience:
Graduate students, post-docs, research assistants involved in analysing brain imaging data acquired using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (including but not limited to fMRI, DTI, rsMRI).

Expected background:
  • Working knowledge of neuroimaging methods (especially those applied to resting and diffusion data)
  • Experience with shell-scripting, matlab programming, unix environments

What is Nipype?
Nipype it is a framework which helps designing, maintaining, sharing and executing data processing workflows. It allows you to combine existing data processing solutions (such as FSL, SPM, FreeSurfer and many others), cache partial results, do parameter space exploration and run workflows in parallel (both locally and on clusters). You can read more about Nipype at http://nipy.org/nipype.

After attending this workshop you should be able to:
  • Write simple scripts in Python
  • Use Nipype as a library for unified and uniform access to several software (such as FSL, SPM, FreeSurfer, AFNI etc.)
  • Design and execute complex data analysis pipelines combining multiple software packages
  • Incorporate custom homebrewed MATLAB, Python or command line based processing routines into Nipype workflows
  • Perform parameter space exploration
  • Deploy Nipype in your local research environment